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Slice of LIFE

The Importance of Random Act of Kindness

Random acts of kindness are a wonderful way to spread joy and positivity in our world. Kindness is an action that can be as simple as offering a compliment to a stranger or helping someone carry a heavy load. It is often said that a…

Academic News, President's List

President’s List 2022 Fall Quarter

The President’s List distinction is to any student who has maintained a cumulative GPA of 4.00 for each quarter during the academic year, registered for a minimum of 12 credits for each quarter and completed all credits for all registered courses during each quarter.

Academic News, Dean's List

Dean’s List 2022 Fall Quarter

The Dean’s list distinction is given to any student who has maintained a cumulative GPA of 3.5-3.99 for each quarter during the academic year, registered for a minimum of 12 credits for each quarter and completed all credits for all registered courses.

Faces of LIFE, FACES of LIFE FRIDAY, Slice of LIFE

Faces of LIFE: Zoe Wight

Zoe Wight attended Gulf Breeze High School in Pensacola, Florida and competed with her school’s wrestling team. In a funny twist of fate, Wight skipped her high school graduation to compete in a Southeastern wrestling conference and ended up being recruited by Life U’s first Women’s Wrestling Head Coach James Paul.

Slice of LIFE

Stay Safe Online with Cybersecurity Tips

A sense of safety and security is important for well-being and comfort, but one growing safety concern is often overlooked due to its intangible nature. Cybersecurity might not be at the forefront of most people’s priority lists, but taking some necessary steps for self-protection can…