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Academic News, Awards, Dean's List

Dean’s List Winter 2021

The Dean’s list distinction is given to any student who has maintained a cumulative GPA of 3.5 – 3.74 for each quarter during the academic year, registered for a minimum of 12 credits for each quarter and completed all credits for all registered courses.

Academic News, President's List

President’s List Winter 2021

The President’s List distinction is to any student who has maintained a cumulative GPA of 3.75 – 4.00 for each quarter during the academic year, registered for a minimum of 12 credits for each quarter and completed all credits for all registered courses during each quarter.

Faces of LIFE

Faces of LIFE – Dr. Mansan Ho

Dr. Mansan Ho spent his youngest years in Hong Kong before moving to the U.S. when he was about 13 years old with his adoptive mother, who is his biological mother’s older sister. He first learned about Chiropractic from his adoptive mother, who had her own practice in Gainesville, Florida that also specialized in Chinese and Western medicine.

April 2021, Press Releases


Williamsburg, Kentucky, April 27, 2021 – Life University (LIFE) is proud to announce that its Women’s Track & Field team won the first Outdoor Mid-South Conference Championship in program history on Monday, April 26, 2021. Running Eagles student-athletes also claimed eight individual titles and eight other All-Conference honors; Head coach Dominic Demeritte earned the Mid-South Conference Coach of the Year award; and Bria Sands took home MSC Athlete of the Year.

Awards, Faculty/Staff

Matthew Yohn Awarded the George Gaumond Award

Matthew Yohn, Serials Library Paraprofessional in the Drs. Sid E. & Nell K. Williams Library and May 2021 graduate of the Master in Library and Information Science program at Valdosta State University, was recently awarded the George Gaumond Award. This annual award bears the name…

April 2021, Press Releases


Marietta, Georgia, April 26, 2021 –The Life University (LIFE) Department of Career Services is hosting a virtual career fair for Doctor of Chiropractic (D.C.) students and practicing chiropractors on Thursday, April 29, 2021 from 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. More than 60 chiropractic offices across the U.S. and internationally have registered for Career Fair 4 LIFE, which is held several times each year, according to Sue Dudt, Director of LIFE’s Career Services Department.

Faculty/Staff, News

Meet the ODEI Director Candidates

The Life University campus community is invited to meet and listen to the top two candidates for the Director of the Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (ODEI) next Monday, April 26 and Wednesday, April 28. Both candidates will present their thoughts on “The Top…