
Photo back row, Guests from Zhengzhou China, Ms. Sandy Xi – King Koil, Dr. John Downes, Dr. Claire Welsh, ICA, Mr. Stephen Wang, Dr. Rob Scott, Dr. Stephen Welsh

Representatives from Life University, the International Chiropractors Association and King Koil-Shanghai met to discuss opportunities to work together in bringing the chiropractic profession to Mainland China. Mr. Stephen Wang, Life U President Dr. Rob Scott and Dr. Steve Welsh signed an initial MOU to begin our conversations toward joining forces in the multiple efforts currently underway in China. Unfortunately, due to the current health issues in China, all activities have been halted until further notice.

Costa Rica

Dr. Rob Scott, Ms. Nancy Torres – Director of LGI Costa Rica, Deilyn Solano Bonilla, Gabriela Alpizar Jimenez, Dr. Kevin Fogarty – Chairman of the Board of Trustees, Dr. John Downes

Representatives from the two largest public universities in Costa Rica, UCR and UNA, met with Dr. Scott and members of the Board of Trustees during the Board Retreat in Costa Rica. Both Dr. Salazar and Dr. Arayya are old friends and discussed ongoing opportunities with LIFE students. Meetings with UNIBE continue as LIFE looks to assist UNIBE in establishing a chiropractic degree in their university. Two students joined the meetings, Gabriela Alpizar Jimenez and Deilyn Solano Bonilla, in preparation for their return to Costa Rica and building new efforts to provide chiropractic care to the residents of their country.