Car crashes are an unfortunate hazard that affects everyone in some way. Here in Georgia, speeding is definitely a major factor in fatal crashes, as well as alcohol use, according to USA Today’s “Fatal car crash statistics 2024” report. It’s just not possible to fully prevent all car crashes, as there are too many factors out of our control. Knowing what to do if and when you are involved in one is the next best thing.

Immediate Safety Actions After a Crash

(Adapted from The Foundation for Chiropractic Progress (F4CP)’s article “What to do when you are in an accident.”

  • Get out of the road and move your vehicle, if possible. Other drivers can accidentally hit you. The other parties involved should do the same.
  • Take a moment to breathe and assess yourself and passengers.
  • Call 911 for assistance.
  • Try to remain calm; even in a minor accident, shock can occur.

Exchanging Information

Be prepared to exchange a number of important documentations, including:

  • Driver’s License
  • Registration
  • Insurance Card
  • The officer on duty should collect witness information.

Collect Photo Documentation

For insurance purposes, it is best to take lots of photos to help with any claims you or the other party might need to make. Photo types to collect include:

  • Your car from all angles
  • The other vehicle
  • The accident scene itself
  • You and your passengers, especially any bruising or injuries

Get Medical Attention

Even if you can’t see or feel anything wrong, it is best to go get checked out at the ER or urgent care to make sure you are fine, as many injuries are invisible to the naked eye.

Calling Your Insurance Provider

While the incident is fresh in your mind, call your insurance company to report the incident as soon as possible. Resist the urge to say, “I’m OK,” as they might use that to deny coverage. Inform them that you will be evaluated by a Doctor of Chiropractic who will send a report. Most car accident injuries respond well to chiropractic care, and it is a common step that many involved in a motor accident take.

Chiropractic Care after an Accident

Your chiropractor may order certain tests after their initial evaluation. This will help to rule out or confirm possible issues present that can help with your care or lead to a specialist referral as the case may be.

Legal Considerations

If you do in fact suffer from significant personal injury in an accident, or are concerned about your liability in an accident, it would be best to seek out a personal injury attorney who understands the nuances of this field of law.