
Category: Athletics

Staying On Track Slice Of Life Blog Post Template1l[130872]
Athletics, CGUS, Podcast, Slice of LIFE

Staying on Track: Track & Field, Physical Therapy Career Goals and more with Brianna Florvilus- Podcast

Brianna Florvilus is always on the move. As an M.S. in Sport Health Science student and a member of the Life U Women’s Track and Field team, Florvilus is working hard to make her career goals to become a physical therapist a reality. She discusses her interest in Injury prevention and the aspects of the physical therapy profession that she enjoys in this podcast.

Life U Women's Flag Football, With Coach Jenitra Shields Slice Of Life Sol Blog Post
Athletics, Podcast, Slice of LIFE

Paving new paths with Life U Women’s Flag Football, with Coach Jenitra Shields- Podcast

Life University is making history with forming one of the first collegiate Women’s Flag Football teams, as well as being the first to provide scholarships for the sport. Life U is currently being honored in the Chick-Fil-A Hall of Fame for these efforts. Coach Jenitra Shields gears up for the inaugural season and hypes up the Life U Running Eagles to cheer their team on and even consider participating.