
Author: Kelsey Asher

2neurolife inst life u slice of life blog post template1l
Chiropractic, Research, Slice of LIFE, Your Extraordinary Life (YEL)

The NeuroLIFE Institute at Life University: Advancing Health Through Neurological Innovation

At the heart of Life University’s commitment to advancing health and wellness stands the NeuroLIFE Institute (NLI), a cutting-edge neurological center dedicated to improving lives through innovative care and research. Rooted in the principles of Vitalism —the understanding that the body is self-developing, self- maintaining, and self-healing – the NeuroLIFE Institute integrates these principles into every facet of its work. From groundbreaking therapies to impactful patient care, this facility exemplifies Life U’s vision for a healthier, more vibrant world.

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Faces of LIFE, FACES of LIFE FRIDAY, Slice of LIFE

Faces of Life U: Allyn Marie-Scott

Coming from a family legacy of chiropractors, Allyn-Marie Scott had an early understanding of the wonder that is holistic healthcare. Scott is a third- generation chiropractor-to-be, with two paternal grandparents and her father all licensed in the profession. Growing up in Vaughan, Canada just north of Toronto, it became apparent that yet another Scott would one day work hard to add Dr. to their name.

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Alumni & Friends, Chiropractic, Podcast, Slice of LIFE

Balancing Family Life and a Chiropractic Business with Dr. Laura Froese – Thriving Chiros

Dr. Laura Froese, a Life U Alumna and Co-Owner/Chiropractor for Lighthouse Chiropractic & Wellness Center in Traverse City, Michigan, truly exemplifies the idea of a what a family chiropractor and a chiropractic family looks like. Truly the two concepts could not be separated, with her sons often underfoot at the office and along the way learning what Chiropractic was all about. In a family business, how do you find the balance and succeed in a healthful, happy way?

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Podcast, Research, Slice of LIFE

Promoting a Safe, Happy Work and Learning Environment through Title IX with Feaunte Preyear -podcast

Title IX is a vastly important piece of legislation that governs fair and equitable treatment for all in educational settings receiving federal funding, in particular prohibiting sex-based discrimination related to gender for students and staff alike. Life University (Life U) is committed to upholding the highest standards related to Title IX, and our beloved Title IX Coordinator Feaunte Preyear upholds that charge with grace and zeal.

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Chiropractic, Slice of LIFE

New Chiropractor or Emerging DC Unsure Where to Practice? Crucial U.S. Statistics for Ideas

As a constantly growing, vital and emerging healthcare field, new and future chiropractors are spoiled by choice to figure out where they might like to practice. On the flip side, that might be a little overwhelming. Rather than throwing a dart at the map, let’s look at some intriguing information that might shed some light on some good places to set up a shingle within the United States.

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Faces of LIFE, FACES of LIFE FRIDAY, Faculty/Staff, Your Extraordinary Life (YEL)

Faces of Life U: Brian Gipson

Effective enrollment management is a major piece required to ensure the future success and longevity of any university. Brian Gipson, our new Associate Vice President for Enrollment, has a keen understanding of how to communicate effectively with prospective and current students. He has held key positions in esteemed higher education institutions across the nation, most recently finishing up an eight-year stint at Xavier University in Cincinnati, Ohio.

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CGUS, Slice of LIFE

Coding and Computer Programming: Exploring a New Career

The Internet is indeed king. So much of our day-to-day life is controlled and organized based on elusive 1s and 0s, hidden code, that we might as well be living in the Matrix. That being said, there is a wealth of career potential in developing coding and computer programming skills, becoming one of the brave builders of this constantly changing world. So how do you know if this line of work is for you? Here are some basics to consider.

Gap year slice of life blog post template life u
Academic News, Slice of LIFE

In the Gap: Whether or Not to Take a Gap Year

Here at Life University (Life U), we understand that the educational landscape is constantly in flux, and we make an intentional effort to support the success of all our students, even if they choose to take a less traditional path to their educational journey. One growing deviation from the commonly recognized conduit of completing high school and then immediately enrolling in college is the concept of a gap year. According to Life U’s Fall 2024 Fact Book, our average undergraduate age is 22 years old, so it is fair to assume that some portion of our population is familiar with the practice.