Don’t be Greenwashed- Sharpening Sustainability Reasoning Skills
Being truly sustainable is not as black and white (or green) as we might like to imagine it is. Life University’s (Life U) B.A. in Environment and Sustainability equips students to critically examine the 21st century’s pressing social and environmental problems with a holistic systems…
Going Green on Halloween? How to be Eco-Conscious with Holiday Decorating
Here at Life University (Life U), we are all about positive impact and how to leave the world better than we found it. We even have an amazing B.A. in Human Ecology program focused entirely on studying an awareness and advocacy around the 21st century’s pressing complex social and environmental problems. This effects even how we might approach fun and seemingly frivolous activities, such as Halloween.
Engaging Podcasts for the Environmentally Conscious and Curious suggests some phenomenal podcasts for the environmentally inclined in their guide, “15 Best Environmental Podcasts of 2022.” So in a free moment on a walk, doing errands or on your commute, you can educate yourself on significant environmental subjects.
Upcycle and DIY to Save Money and Help the Environment
It’s been drilled into our heads since early childhood: reduce, reuse, recycle. Yet, there is a fourth piece to the puzzle known as upcycling. With a bit of creativity, so many items that might end up in a landfill can be given a second life.
“How do Biodegradable Plastics Effect Soil Quality?” – Research Series
Life University (Life U) Research Series From Your Extraordinary LIFE (YEL) 2022 Edition Exploring Research Through the Eyes of Life U Students College of Graduate and Undergraduate Studies Abigail Bachman, Human Ecology Student, Dr. Stephanie Wakefield, Program Coordinator + Assistant Professor | Human Ecology Program,…
Reducing Plastics Use
Life University’s educational and clinical philosophy is based on Vitalism—our recognition that the Universe itself is self-conscious, and as such, creates itself as a dynamic system wherein living organisms are self-developing, self-maintaining and self-healing.
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