Researching the Art of the Adjustment with Dr. Brent Russell – Podcast
Dr. Brent Russell is something of an institution here at Life University, first as an alumnus, then as a Faculty Clinician and now as a Research Professor that wears many hats for the Research Department. He leads the team that conducts research on “The Art of the Adjustment”, with the overarching goal of contributing to a breadth of research knowledge on what is exactly going on during an adjustment, how much force is involved and the potential benefits etc. The Palpation and Adjustment Trainer (PAT) became a big piece of that equation during the Covid 19 pandemic and beyond, and continues to be a tool with immense research and student practice capabilities.
The Use of PAT at Life University Proves a Success!
Behind every great innovation is a question that needs solving. For us at Life University, that question was simple: how can we train as many future doctors of chiropractic as possible without sacrificing our standards of excellence or safety? This is the driving force behind Life University’s technique lab of the future. It guides all of our research and every development.
Dr. Sid E Williams CCR Presented at the Virtual 44th Meeting of the American Society of Biomechanics
The American Society of Biomechanics (ASB) was founded in 1977 to encourage and foster the exchange of information and ideas among biomechanists working in different disciplines and to facilitate the development of biomechanics as a basic and applied science. Each year, Life University faculty and…
Meet Pat
Our researchers at the Dr. Sid E. Williams Center for Chiropractic Research are at the forefront of studying the biomechanics of the chiropractor’s most important tool, the adjustment. Especially for education, they have developed a mannequin with the look, feel, size and weight of an…
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