
Tag: Ian grassam treehouse

Slice cmapus rainwater garden 1 25 23
Slice of LIFE, Your Extraordinary Life (YEL)

Campus Rainwater Garden

Destinee Rivera’s goal is to create a rainwater garden on the Life University campus, creating a green infrastructure by the Ian Grassam Treehouse. She will have six types of plants, including three types of flowers, two different types of shrubs and grass. The natural beauty of this garden will add to the pretty landscape of our environmentally friendly campus, and it will serve an important purpose.

Slice bible club 6 6 2022
Slice of LIFE

Club Spotlight: Life U Bible Club

  Spiritual enrichment often plays a key factor in overall well-being and wellness, so Life University (Life U) is proud to offer several spiritual and/or faith-based organizations for students to plug into on campus. Life U Bible Club is one such faith-based group, offering regular…