Life Vision Extravaganza- Have You Registered?
If you haven’t yet registered for this year’s Life Vision Extravaganza (LVE), what are you waiting for?
Waving the Flag for Flag Football
The world of sports, as well as the ways in which we play are as vibrant, diverse and evolving as the stellar athletes that compete within them. This attitude of evolution and reinvention is most evident in the meteoric rise of flag football nationally and internationally as a recognized sport.
Financial responsibility to propel University success, with Cedric Gaddy – Podcast
As Life University’s new CFO, Cedric Gaddy has immersed himself in understanding the Life U community, its operations and its financial landscape. Though he has only been here for a few months, beginning April 1, 2024, he has high hopes for helping Life U streamline its processes and modernize in order to best serve its students and the community at large.
Commemorating Chiropractic Founders Day: September 18, 2024
Life University (Life U) is proud to commemorate Chiropractic Founders Day. Today, September 18, is a day dedicated to honoring the pioneers of chiropractic care: D.D. Palmer, B.J. Palmer and Harvey Lillard. As we reflect on our chiropractic history, let us remember that this day serves as a reminder of the vision, dedication and passion that have propelled this amazing field.
Authenticity, Accountability, and Purpose in Practice Featuring Dr. Daniel Bai- Thriving Chiros
Dr. Daniel Bai, a Life University alumnus, author, speaker, and chiropractor at Life Effect Centers in Frankfort, Illinois, delivers a powerful reminder that authenticity and personal dedication are the keys to building a successful chiropractic practice. Dr. Bai challenges the common belief that external factors determine success, highlighting instead the importance of mastering your craft, connecting with your community, and walking the talk.
Communications, Sports and doing what you love, with Nick Pope – Podcast
As Sports Information Director (SID) at Life U, Nick Pope has a lot to juggle day-to-day, making sure that the behind-the-scenes details are taken care of so that our athletes can do what they do best. Pope reiterates ‘People don’t just show up and play.” This podcast shows athletes some of what it takes to keep the game going and can spark some ideas for sports-related career fields.
Chiropractic and the U.S. Military: An Evolving Healing Journey
Chiropractic as a profession has had to fight for recognized legitimacy and inclusion into the larger healthcare system since D.D. Palmer performed the first adjustment in 1895. Luckily for the evolution of holistic health, the chiropractic profession has progressed in the general lexicon leaps and bounds since then. One of the most profound and public examples of chiropractic’s acceptance has been the profession’s long-standing partnership with the U.S. Military.
Celebrate Chiropractic Founder’s Day at Life University
Mark your calendars for Thursday, September 12, 2024, from 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. for a special celebration at Life University’s Socrates Café. Hosted by the Student Ambassadors and the President’s Office, this year’s Chiropractic Founders Day event is an occasion that promises to be both inspiring and enriching for the entire Life U community.
Active on Activator and its efficacy with Dr. Laura Huber – Podcast
Dr. Laura Huber, Life U Chiropractic Sciences Professor, went from being a non-believer to something of a trumpeter for the virtues of the Activator tool for chiropractic adjustments. By nature and by design, chiropractic is literally very hands-on to feel and understand what subluxations may be present in the body in order to deliver healing adjustments. Therefore, some chiropractors are weary of using tools such as an Activator to deliver an adjustment. However, Dr. Huber explains that its gentle nature and consistency in terms of type of force delivered can benefit patients immensely.
All-American Athleticism from International roots, with Andre Edwards- Podcast
Andre Edwards is a business administration student and dedicated member of the Life U Men’s Track and Field team. Originally from Jamaica, Edwards discusses how his life journey landed him at Life U and on the path to making a name for himself as an All-American athlete along with 5 other teammates receiving the same honor. The honor means a great deal to him, as he explains in the podcast.
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