Chiropractic Adjustments- A Basic Overview
Chiropractic adjustments are the basis of most chiropractic practices, offering alleviation and prevention of pain symptoms to patients. However, many people who have not had the benefit of chiropractic education might find the prospect of a chiropractic adjustment a bit confusing without at least a basic understanding of the physical ramifications and goals that their practitioner has in mind.
The Use of PAT at Life University Proves a Success!
Behind every great innovation is a question that needs solving. For us at Life University, that question was simple: how can we train as many future doctors of chiropractic as possible without sacrificing our standards of excellence or safety? This is the driving force behind Life University’s technique lab of the future. It guides all of our research and every development.
A HUB Model of Clinical Education for Life College of Chiropractic System of Clinics
Overview Life University Chiropractic Clinics, in striving to continually improve clinical education and the quality of patient care, acknowledge the change occurring in the current practice of chiropractic and the need to modernize delivery methods of clinical education and clinic operations. To address these changes, a revision of clinical education is…
Takieta Clark
“When I did my first adjustment, it was so amazing that I was even tingling all over! That’s what this journey is all about … making a difference in the world one patient at a time. But, the best part is that I still get that tingly feeling every time I do an adjustment.”
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