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Slice of LIFE

Club Spotlight: Muslim Students Association

At Life University (Life U), we place a high value on Integrity, which at Life U “is defined as a state of completeness or wholeness; adherence to a set of values, implying wholeness of body, mind and spirit; and in our relationships with people and the planet.” Supporting the whole person and community at Life U is paramount to our continued success.

My 1st Quarter, Slice of LIFE

My First Quarter- Ayman Mahmoud

Diversity is the first thing that comes to mind. But more importantly, it’s a platform where Muslims get to represent themselves, which isn’t always the case in some media sources. Also, inclusivity across cultures/beliefs is huge, I think. In the end, we’re all one kind – humankind.

Slice of LIFE

Club Spotlight: Green LIFE

Going green and living a sustainable life is a common concept we hear many people talking about, but what does that look like on a practical level? That is what Green LIFE at Life U hopes to explore.

Slice of LIFE

Math+Music@MODA = Community Outreach

Math and music are not typically linked together, but for members of the Society for Mathematics and Computation in Music, they see the distinct connection between these two. Mathematical and music theory is an area that is researched by members of this society. It is a small group of experts who would like to see their field grow in the future.