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Faces of LIFE

Dr. Robert Rectenwald

C-HOP Faculty Clinician Dr. Robert Rectenwald holds a bachelor’s degree in business and even taught for several years in technical schools and community colleges. But, he says, his true passion at that time was motorcycle racing, and he thought he would be the “world champion of motorcycle racing!” However, 10 years and 22 crashes later, his chiropractor recommended to him, during one of the many times Rectenwald was there to “get put back together,” that he really should think of another line of work.

Faces of LIFE

Tendai Rioga

Born into the Karanga tribe in Masvingo, Zimbabwe, Tendai Rioga is an amazing rugby player on our very own Running Eagles rugby team. A self-proclaimed “big guy from a young age,” at the age of nine, he moved from Zimbabwe to Newcastle, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa and started his lifelong love of the game.

Faces of LIFE

Yesenia Ostolaza

“I wanted to be a doctor or maybe a veterinarian – something in the traditional medical field – but I wasn’t entirely sure what I wanted to do.” This was Yesenia Ostolaza’s sentiment from a very young age. Ever since she can remember, she was intrigued by science and math. Her mother always wanted to nurture Ostolaza’s interests and made sure to find the right schools for her that specialized in those two subjects.

Faces of LIFE

Spencer Surmont

From Detroit, Michigan and working on his bachelor’s degree in Exercise Science, Spencer Surmont is also on the pre-D.C. track here at LIFE. Even though arriving on campus just out of high school, Surmont knew long before he got here that Chiropractic would be in his future.

Faces of LIFE

Esteban Diaz

“As a result of my mission to Chile, I came back to the U.S. with a determination to heal.” And now, Esteban Diaz is well on his way to achieving his goal. Currently studying Exercise Science, he will move forward into the Doctor of Chiropractic program in the fall.

Faces of LIFE

Elisa Velez

“A recruiter from Life University came to my school, Florida Atlantic University, and offered those who were interested a trip to Atlanta for a LIFE Leadership Weekend. I’ve always loved traveling, and since I’d never been to Atlanta, I took him up on his offer and came for a visit. But once I got here and experienced LIFE for myself, I realized that it was everything that I had been searching for!”

Faces of LIFE

Dr. Kevin Kinney

“Something really cool about Chiropractic is that you can personalize it however you want,” says Life University alumnus Dr. Kevin Kinney. After graduating in 2017, Kinney started a somewhat nontraditional practice since he knew that he did not want to “do the regular office thing.” With a background in the entertainment industry, he wanted to continue to work with artists and entertainers in some fashion, and he also knew that he did not want a brick and mortar office where he would feel tied down.

Faces of LIFE

Asma Alhindi

Asma Alhindi, graduate student in clinical nutrition pursuing her master’s degree, is originally from Yanbu, Saudi Arabia. After obtaining an undergraduate in art and design, similar to a home economics degree in the U.S., from Taibi University in Saudi Arabia, Alhindi was ready to pursue a master’s degree in a more challenging subject. She says that her degree consisted of “a little bit of a lot of things,” such as nutrition, art, design, homemaking and psychology.