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2nd Annual Consent Carnival
Path of Heroes at Lyceum ParkCGUS Majors Fair
SHS Upper GymStudent Employment Job Fair
Socrates Cafe Life Campus, Marietta, GA, United StatesDescription This student employment job fair is open to all current Life University students who are either Federal Work Study (several open) eligible or are looking for part-time (very limited) on campus jobs. All job opportunities represented at this job fair are for Life...
Undergraduate Career and Internship Fair
SHS Upper GymThis job fair is coordinated by the Life University Career Center and open to all current Life University students. The fair hosts employers offering internships, part-time employment, seasonal employment, and full-time employment opportunities across all majors.
Eagle Madness – Undergrad
Campus LocationsCareer Fair4LIFE
RCCE AtriumsA DC Career Fair for those students seeking PEAK opportunities, associateships, independent contractor opportunities, and practices for sale.