Faculty and Staff
L.I.F.E. Event
Lyceum ParkMake sure to come to attend the LIFE Involvement Fair Experience (L.I.F.E.) for music, free food, student organization booths, vendors and more. Event will be held in Lyceum Park. In case of inclement weather it will be moved to the lower gym. We hope to see you...
Blood Screening for Life Employees
Free blood screening for Life employees in the C-HOP Community Education Room. Please fast for 8-10 hours prior to testing.
Red Cross Blood Drive
Marietta, Ga., Upper GymTo make an appointment please visit redcrossblood.org/give.html/drive-results?zipSponsor=LIFE. Save 15 minutes and complete your RapidPass the day of the drive. Go to redcrossblood.org/rapidpass. All presenting donors will receive a Red Cross t-shirt and COVID-19 antibody testing for all donors. Drink plenty of water and eat a good meal before donating. Don’t forget your...
Summer Concert Fest
Standard Process Amphitheater Lyceum ParkL.I.F.E. Event
Lyceum ParkMake sure to come to attend the LIFE Involvement Fair Experience (L.I.F.E.) for music, free food, student organization booths, vendors and more. Event will be held in Lyceum Park. We hope to see you there!
HR Benefits Fair for Life Employees
Marietta, Ga., Upper GymL.I.F.E. Event
Lower GymMake sure to come to attend the LIFE Involvement Fair Experience (L.I.F.E.) for music, free food, student organization booths, vendors and more, in the lower gym. We hope to see you there!
Blood Screening for Life Employees
Free blood screening for Life employees in the C-HOP Community Education Room. Please fast for 8-10 hours prior to testing.
Life U Women Authors Celebration
Library on Life CampusMark your calendars and/or make plans to contribute to an event in the library celebrating of Women's History Month. The Williams Library and Title IX Office are going to focus on women in writing, both within and outside of our LIFE community. AND...as you read...