
Tag: thriving chiros

Dr. laura froese thriving chiros mastering the balance ife blog post template1l
Alumni & Friends, Chiropractic, Podcast, Slice of LIFE

Balancing Family Life and a Chiropractic Business with Dr. Laura Froese – Thriving Chiros

Dr. Laura Froese, a Life U Alumna and Co-Owner/Chiropractor for Lighthouse Chiropractic & Wellness Center in Traverse City, Michigan, truly exemplifies the idea of a what a family chiropractor and a chiropractic family looks like. Truly the two concepts could not be separated, with her sons often underfoot at the office and along the way learning what Chiropractic was all about. In a family business, how do you find the balance and succeed in a healthful, happy way?

Dr. Josh Thriving Chiros Mastering The Balance Ife Blog Post Template1l
Alumni & Friends, Chiropractic, Podcast, Slice of LIFE

Building Endurance as a Chiropractor- Featuring Dr. Josh Handt- Thriving Chiros

Dr. Josh Handt, New York based Podcaster, Chiropractor and Podcast Coach for Chiropractors, is a very active individual who makes a point to constantly put himself out there mentally and physically in order to achieve his life goals. Be it a marathon, committing to street fairs to reach community members or training himself on new innovations to benefit his patients and his business, he always has his finger on the pulse. So the question today is, what can you do to move the needle forward for yourself and your business?

Dr. Joe Thriving Chiros Mastering The Balance Ife Blog Post Template1l
Alumni & Friends, Chiropractic, Podcast, Slice of LIFE

The Joys and Pitfalls of Multi-Location Chiropractic Practices, Featuring Dr. Joe Esposito – Thriving Chiros Podcast

Dr. Joe Esposito, Life U alumnus and Director of Health Plus Wellness Center, takes a multidisciplinary approach to his multiple location practice serving Metro Atlanta. Patients are attracted to a healthcare paradigm that can meet many different needs at once. So how can chiropractors provide additional points of value? And how do you know when an additional location may or may not make sense given your desired business model goals?

Dr. Sebastian Bonnin Thriving Chiros Mastering The Balance Ife Blog Post Template1l
Alumni & Friends, Chiropractic, Podcast, Slice of LIFE

Preparing for and riding out the storms- Featuring Dr. Sebastian Bonnin- Thriving Chiros Podcast

Dr. Sebastian Bonnin- Life U alumnus and multi-location chiropractic practice owner, faced life-changing setbacks in 2017 when Hurricane Maria devastated Puerto Rico. How can a chiropractor and a once thriving business start over again to help their community heal and bounce back? Dr. Bonnin gets real and tactical about survival mode in moments of crisis and how to create a sense of normalcy when it is in short supply.

Dr. Dawn Thriving Chiros Mastering The Balance Ife Blog Post Template1l
Alumni & Friends, Chiropractic, Podcast, Slice of LIFE

From Medicine to Vitalism: A Chiropractic Transformation- Featuring Dr. Dawn Thomas- Thriving Chiros – Podcast

Life University Head Men’s Soccer Coach Alexander Pama has a love for the sport that is pure and that he comes by honestly as a former player turned coach. Yet though he loves the highs and lows that come with this honored pastime, he understands that soccer and the other sports that Life U athletics offers serve more importantly to support the personal growth and fortitude of his players as they prepare to contribute constructively to the world during school and post-graduation. That starts with a healthy team culture that Coach Pama describes.

Dr Karen Large New 1 Thriving Chiros Mastering The Balance Ife Blog Post Template1l
Alumni, Alumni & Friends, Chiropractic, Podcast, Slice of LIFE

Building a Real-World Chiropractic Business- Featuring Dr. Karen Ferguson

Dr. Karen Ferguson, chiropractor and Life U alumna, knows firsthand the challenges of launching a practice from scratch. As the owner of Ferguson Family Chiropractic in Acworth, Georgia, and a Life University PEAK doctor, she’s learned the importance of seeking guidance from mentors and focusing on the practical aspects of business. Today, Dr. Ferguson shares valuable advice on how to avoid “reinventing the wheel” and build a sustainable practice.