
Tag: tech neck

Chiropractic, Slice of LIFE

Recognizing Good Posture

Good and proper posture puts our bodies in a solid position to promote long-lasting health and well-being. For the average person just going about their day, posture is probably the last thing on their mind if at all because many of us are not in tune with our body’s movements. It’s about more than simply sitting up straight and investing in an ergonomic desk chair.  A little self-awareness can go a long way to protecting the spine and preventing back pain, as well as improving athletic performance, vitality, coordination and breathing.

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Chiropractic, Slice of LIFE

Chronic Condition Prevention and Spinal Pain Management

According to the National Center for Health Statistic’s November 2020 Data Brief, chronic pain is a growing concern plaguing the American population, with 20.4% of adults reporting chronic pain in 2019. Chronic pain and high-impact chronic pain, as in pain that frequently limits the ability to live and work in a desired manner, appear to increase with age and appear most prevalent among adults ages 65 and over. Additionally, adults living in more rural areas appear to be at a higher risk for chronic pain symptoms.

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Slice of LIFE

“Tech Neck”: Combatting Neck Strain related to computers and phones

According to an article by the Foundation for Chiropractic Progress (F4CP) titled “How to Triumph over Tech Neck”, Tech Neck is the shortened form of a relatively recently observed phenomenon dubbed “Tech Neck Syndrome”. Don’t let the cute name fool you, because neck strain is a serious matter that should be addressed sooner rather than later.