
Tag: Marie powell

Biz Ideas Students Slice Of Life Blog Post Template1l
Slice of LIFE

Business Ideas with Low Overhead for College Students

A fair number of our enterprising Business Administration students at Life University (Life U) are more than eager to hit the ground running and start managing exciting businesses of every flavor and color under the rising sun. However, there is something to be said for…

June 14 forging business journey slice of life blog post template1l
CGUS, Podcast, Slice of LIFE

Forging your own business journey, with Dr. Marie Powell -Podcast

Career journeys can take many winding roads to take the direction that best suits the person taking it. Just ask Dr. Marie Powell, Assistant Professor of Business her at Life University. She has a fascinating and varied professional career that makes her uniquely qualified to give students insight on many kinds of potential pathways and how to gauge what works best for them.