
Tag: Show on Homepage

Matheus brandao slice of life blog post template1l
Athletics, CGUS, Podcast, Slice of LIFE

Soccer, Studies and Athletic Analysis with Matheus Brandao – Podcast

Soccer is more than just a sport, it is something of a way of life for the dedicated players and fans here at Life U and farther afield. Matheus Brandao is early on in his career, trying to see how to turn his commitment to sports and athletics analysis into a lifelong professional passion. He currently serves as a Graduate Assistant for Life U Men’s Soccer, while completing his studies as a B.S in Computer Information Systems and Technology (CIST) student.

2translate military slice of life blog post template1l
Chiropractic, Podcast, Slice of LIFE

Translating Military Service Skills to Civilian Life and Chiropractic with Dustin Biggerstaff – Podcast

Chiropractic and care for active military servicemen, women and veterans has been intertwined for many years. In fact, many people are first introduced to the benefits of chiropractic through first experiencing it through care received during military service. That was the case for Dustin Biggerstaff, a U.S. Marine Corps veteran who is now a Life U D.C. student. Biggerstaff discusses the adjustment and transitionary period into the civilian workforce that is often very jarring for veterans, as well as how chiropractic has helped his life personally and now professionally.

Building on blair life u slice of life blog post template1l
Chiropractic, Podcast, Slice of LIFE

Building on Blair Upper Cervical Technique with Dr. Charmaine Herman – Podcast

Dr. Charmaine Herman, Professor of Clinical Sciences, speaks at length about Blaire Upper Cervical Technique and how it can improve patient outcomes. She is club advisor for the Blair UC Technique Club and the Student American Black Chiropractic Association (SABCA). Dr. Herman is a board member for the International Chiropractors Association (ICA) and was awarded a Fellow of the ICA in April 2023.

Lauren big blog
Chiropractic, Podcast, Research, Slice of LIFE

Research Series- Harnessing Data for Knowledge of Pregnancy Outcomes with Lauren Bruss – Podcast

Pregnancy can be a tumultuous and anxiety-ridden time for mothers-to-be. Can chiropractic make that process any easier and even possibly positively affect birth outcomes? That is the question that Lauren Bruss, D.C. student and RISE scholar, seeks to explore in her research project through Life University. This special research series is co-hosted by Erin Gilligan, Project Coordinator of Research & Scholarly Activity.