Education transforming lives through The Chillon Project, with Dr. Thomas Fabisiak, Michelle Morrison and Kareemah Hanifa- Podcast
Today’s topic is a big one, highlighting the historic work of The Chillon Project, a Life University initiative providing higher education to people impacted by the prison system in Georgia. Our special guests are Dr. Thomas Fabisiak, Director of the Chillon Project, along with Chillon graduates Kareemah Hanifa and Michelle Morrison.
Life University Holds Lunch and Learn Supporting Reentry Efforts for the Previously Incarcerated
Life University (Life U), in partnership with the Henry Arthur Callis Education and the Georgia Coalition for Higher Education in Prison (GACHEP), hosted a special Lunch and Learn program on November 4, 2022, to promote meaningful discussion about the challenges that people face when leaving prisons in terms of employment, housing, mental health care, education and more.
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