
Tag: caffeine

Natural Headache Relievers Slice Of Life Blog Post Template1l
Health Care, Slice of LIFE

Natural Headache Relievers

When you feel a headache coming on, don’t automatically go reaching for ibuprofen or acetaminophen. Instead, there are several natural methods to try to banish or prevent an annoying headache. Here are some natural ways to feel better.

Fizzy Drinks and Empty Calories
Slice of LIFE

Fizzy Drinks and Empty Calories

As our blog has touched on many times, staying healthy and feeling your best requires monitoring and maintaining a lot of little interconnected habits from regular exercise, to our diet to simply how we hold ourselves in the world. Today we are going to look at one of these habits that many people struggle with: fizzy drinks with empty calories.

Slice of LIFE - Brain Food

Brain Food

Measuring and assessing intelligence can be a very tricky thing, but nearly everyone can be enticed by products that claim to increase their intelligence. For instance, a theory called “The Mozart Effect” claimed that exposing younger children to classical music, specifically Mozart, would speed their...