Metabolism Boosters
Ever have a friend that seems to burn food calories off as soon as they have finished eating? Some people seem to be born with the best metabolisms, but there are some handy ways that you can boost yours.
Natural Headache Relievers
When you feel a headache coming on, don’t automatically go reaching for ibuprofen or acetaminophen. Instead, there are several natural methods to try to banish or prevent an annoying headache. Here are some natural ways to feel better.
Fizzy Drinks and Empty Calories
As our blog has touched on many times, staying healthy and feeling your best requires monitoring and maintaining a lot of little interconnected habits from regular exercise, to our diet to simply how we hold ourselves in the world. Today we are going to look at one of these habits that many people struggle with: fizzy drinks with empty calories.
Brain Food
Trivia – How Much Caffeine Should You Have?
Today we are going to take a quick look at what is considered a safe limit for caffeine intake just for a little perspective.
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