The Joys and Pitfalls of Multi-Location Chiropractic Practices, Featuring Dr. Joe Esposito – Thriving Chiros Podcast
Dr. Joe Esposito, Life U alumnus and Director of Health Plus Wellness Center, takes a multidisciplinary approach to his multiple location practice serving Metro Atlanta. Patients are attracted to a healthcare paradigm that can meet many different needs at once. So how can chiropractors provide additional points of value? And how do you know when an additional location may or may not make sense given your desired business model goals?
Empowering the Entire Chiropractic Office Team- Featuring Kim Klapp- Thriving Chiros Podcast
Kim Klapp, Practice Facilitator for First Choice Chiropractic in Ann Arbor, Michigan, has a rather enviable front seat view and hand in what makes for a phenomenal chiropractic practice. Supporting her husband Dr. Tom Klapp, she first served as Executive Administrator for the Michigan Chiropractic Associate before focusing her organizational talents on their practice and forming Assistants for Chiropractic Excellence (A.C.E), a targeted training service for chiropractic assistants.
Preparing for and riding out the storms- Featuring Dr. Sebastian Bonnin- Thriving Chiros Podcast
Dr. Sebastian Bonnin- Life U alumnus and multi-location chiropractic practice owner, faced life-changing setbacks in 2017 when Hurricane Maria devastated Puerto Rico. How can a chiropractor and a once thriving business start over again to help their community heal and bounce back? Dr. Bonnin gets real and tactical about survival mode in moments of crisis and how to create a sense of normalcy when it is in short supply.
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