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Women of Distinction: Celebrating Women in Chiropractic
As Women’s History Month is approaching its close, we would be remiss not to take a moment to shine a light on some of the brilliant women that have shaped and contributed to Chiropractic’s storied history.
What Does it Mean to Graduate?
What does it mean to graduate? This is a question many Life University (Life U) students are answering today.
Marietta, Georgia – March 21, 2024 – On Friday, March 29, from 5:00-9:00 p.m., Life University (Life U) will host the 6th annual 2024 Marietta Community Egg Hunt. The event will take place on campus at the Life U Athletic Complex.
Behind-the-scenes of Game Day and more, with Karey Peterson – Podcast
On any given day, Life University hosts so many sporting events and other essential gatherings that it truly seems like a miracle that generally everything runs smoothly and people land where they need to be. Meet Karey Peterson, Assistant Athletic Director of External Operations. He is the man behind the curtain ensuring smooth game days and facilities management. Explore an athletics career path that you might not have thought about before.
Life University Embraces Research and Innovation at the ICPA Gathering 2024
Renowned Life University (Life U) Assistant Professor and Division of Chiropractic Sciences and Research Chair for the College of Chiropractic Dr. Christie Kwon was one of the keynote speakers at the March 15-16, 2024, International Chiropractic Pediatric Association (ICPA) Gathering. Dr. Kwon joined chiropractors from…
Clearing the fog using Chiropractic Techniques with Anaiah Christensen – Podcast
Anaiah Christensen is a D.C. student who has embraced the healthful Chiropractic lifestyle wholeheartedly, experiencing a more fulfilled self. She has a special interest in learning hands-on techniques as much as possible, in particular Applied Kinesiology and Functional Neurology. She also discusses the joys of being involved in chiropractic mission trips.
Faces of LIFE: Dr. Lisa Rubin
Dr. Lisa Rubin is a member of the Life U faculty whose professional and personal trajectories have had deep ties with the university. She is also a member of the community who has consistently been involved in, and taken leadership roles within university organizations.
Faces of LIFE: Tobiloba Oniyide
Born in mainland Lagos, Nigeria, Tobiloba Oniyide has come a long way both geographically and metaphorically to prove himself academically and in his sport.
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