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Chiropractic, Slice of LIFE

In a Car Accident? Basic Do’s and Don’ts

Car crashes are an unfortunate hazard that affects everyone in some way. Here in Georgia, speeding is definitely a major factor in fatal crashes, as well as alcohol use, according to USA Today’s “Fatal car crash statistics 2024” report. It’s just not possible to fully prevent all car crashes, as there are too many factors out of our control. Knowing what to do if and when you are involved in one is the next best thing.

Athletics, CGUS, Podcast, Slice of LIFE

Young women leading an emerging Women’s Lacrosse program, with Annslee Warchol – Podcast

Lacrosse is a newer sport at Life University, only in its second season for the Life U Women’s Lacrosse team. It’s a gritty sport that demands drive and dedication from its players, qualities that Annslee Warchol has in spades. As an B.S. in Exercise Science student on the cusp of graduation, she faces her future head on with a smile on her face and a lacrosse stick clasped firmly in both hands.

May 2024, Press Releases


Marietta, Georgia –May 24, 2024 –  For devoted chiropractors interested in revitalizing their understanding of the complex nuances of perinatal and pediatric technique, Life University (Life U) and Dr. Claudia Anrig are presenting a wonderful opportunity to participate in a one-of-a-kind continuing education experience with their 100-hour “The Adjustor’s Art – Perinatal and Pediatric Technique Certification.”

Chiropractic, Podcast, Research, Slice of LIFE

Researching the Art of the Adjustment with Dr. Brent Russell – Podcast

Dr. Brent Russell is something of an institution here at Life University, first as an alumnus, then as a Faculty Clinician and now as a Research Professor that wears many hats for the Research Department. He leads the team that conducts research on “The Art of the Adjustment”, with the overarching goal of contributing to a breadth of research knowledge on what is exactly going on during an adjustment, how much force is involved and the potential benefits etc. The Palpation and Adjustment Trainer (PAT) became a big piece of that equation during the Covid 19 pandemic and beyond, and continues to be a tool with immense research and student practice capabilities.