Connecting with Chiropractic and the Hispanic Culture with Gamalis Velez
As President of the Hispanic Chiropractic Club, Gamalis Velez is familiar with the unique challenges of combining cultural differences with the rigors of chiropractic education. This partially bilingual podcast seeks to explain how hispanic chiropractic students from all over the world come to Life University and build community for themselves.
Discover Life University at Eagle Madness Undergraduate Preview Day
Welcome to Eagle Madness Preview Day at Life University (Life U)! If you’re considering joining our vitalistic community, this event is your perfect opportunity to explore what Life U has to offer. Designed specifically for prospective undergraduate students, it will help you decide if Life U is the right fit for you.
The Power and Science of Gratitude: Fostering Thankfulness at Life University
 November marks the beginning of the holiday season, a time when many people reflect on what they’re thankful for. Today we will explore the importance of gratitude, how it positively impacts mental and physical health, and how Life University (Life U) fosters a culture of thankfulness within its community
Unveiling CHARLI: Refocusing Life University’s Research w/ Dr. Stephanie Sullivan and Erin Gilligan-Podcast
CHARLI stands for Complementary Healthcare Advanced Research & Leadership Institute. CHARLI is the new direction and structure for Life University’s research efforts, aimed at supporting and sharing research of multi-disciplinary importance.
Feel the Burn with Blood Flow Resistance Training
Have you gone to the gym recently and seen somebody lifting weights while wearing a funny looking band or tourniquet on their arms and legs? It’s not an interesting fashion choice. It’s intended for blood flow resistance (BFR) training, a new training method designed to help tone and build up muscles with less heavy lifting required.
Faces of Life U: Antonio Nelson
Nelson makes the most out of the opportunity to study as an international student in Life U’s Doctor of Chiropractic program, the first in his family to study abroad. Prior to Life U, Nelson obtained a B.S. in Exercise Science from Shaw University in Raleigh, North Carolina. Chiropractic school was a natural next step in his professional journey, and he wanted to set an example for his younger siblings.
Pivoting and Growing During Challenging Times- Featuring Drs. Deb Cirone & Joe Clarino- Thriving Chiros Podcast
Life University alumni Drs. Deb Cirone and Joe Clarino of AlignLife of Sugar Hill share their inspiring story of how they emerged from the pandemic with a stronger practice and marriage. By creatively leveraging interviews and social media, they stayed connected to their patients when physical appointments were not possible.
How to change our focus to live an authentically happy life
Many of us live our lives on autopilot, without much thought to what we really want to cultivate in our lives. We may have set long-term goals, but in the short term, we are stuck, causing us to perhaps not meet those long-term goals. How can we change this pattern?
Kairos and Connections at Life U with Megan Showers – podcast
Chiropractic is a profession that requires a level of physical and mental fitness that must be trained and maintained in ordered to optimize success. Megan Showers is a D.C. student and President of the Kairos club on campus at Life University (Life U). She gets into the philosophy behind the training regimen that Kairos club members commit to, a high-energy and upbeat program that encourages the physical and mental stamina of the future chiropractic practitioner so the hands-on care they provide is effective, safe and sustainable for all involved.
Fun Healthy Food Ideas for Fall Parties
If you live in the South, you know better than to show up at the potluck empty handed. But for the sake of avoiding belly bloat and not busting out of your sick Deadpool costume, you want to bring something healthier than the usual sugar bombs and greasy snack foods. No fear this year, as these eats are festive and nutritious.
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