
Category: Chiropractic

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Athletics, Chiropractic, Podcast, Slice of LIFE

Maintaining Chiropractic Health for Student Athletes with Dr. Robert Dubuque- Podcast

It’s always a treat for our host Dr. Veronica Garcia- Chapparo to get to have an in-depth chat with a former D.C. classmate and now Life U colleague. Dr. Robert Dubuque is Life U’s Director of Chiropractic Sports Performance and a Faculty Clinician. Caring for the chiropractic needs of our student-athletes at home and on the road is a daunting prospect to say the least. Dr. Dubuque discusses how he manages the many curveballs thrown his way.

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Chiropractic, Podcast, Slice of LIFE

Opening up to new career paths, transitioning from journalism to Chiropractic- with Elijah Voyles- Podcast

Elijah Voyles is like many modern students, in that he has had a few career pivots in the course of his life. He originally studied journalism, then went into Medicaid sales, which ignited an interest in healthcare and eventually led him to pursue a chiropractic degree at Life University. Now as a D.C. student and Student Ambassador, he helps other students figure out their next steps.

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Chiropractic, Podcast, Slice of LIFE

Answering a calling toward Pediatric Chiropractic, with Melanie Reyes-Margolla- Podcast

It’s truly amazing how Chiropractic can change the trajectory of a person’s life. Puerto Rican native Melanie Reyes- Margolla had a long-standing desire to pursue a chiropractic education after attending a Life Leadership Weekend at Life University, but Hurricane Maria delayed her plans for a year. While working as a teacher in the meantime, she saw firsthand the tremendous healing that a student of hers experienced from chiropractic care and that renewed her resolve. Today she is President of Student LIFEforce, encouraging other prospective and future D.C. students to take that leap of faith. Her goal is to become a Pediatric Chiropractor.

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Chiropractic, Podcast, Slice of LIFE

How a training Physician’s Assistant came to Chiropractic, with Kathleen Kim – Podcast

It’s not uncommon for some individuals originally pursuing a traditional medical profession end up instead being inspired to a chiropractic career instead. That is exactly how it was for Kathleen Kim, a D.C. student and Student Ambassador who pursued a physician’s assistant path but after working in a few chiropractic offices, soon enough she realized that Chiropractic was her best way to help people in a holistic manner. Since then, she has come a long way in her studies, becoming a leader in the student community and mentoring students as a Student Ambassador and Peer Assisted Learning (PAL) tutor.

Llw Cover
Chiropractic, Events

Life Leadership Weekend Recap: January 2024

This first Life Leadership Weekend (LLW) of 2024 was a tremendous success as prospective Life U students became acquainted with the University’s flagship Doctor of Chiropractic professional degree program; the beautiful Life U campus; and the faculty, staff and students of Life U.

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Chiropractic, Faculty/Staff, Podcast, Slice of LIFE

Functional Neurology as a Chiropractic speciality with Dr. Cassandra Jimenez – Podcast

To become a board certified Chiropractic Neurologist like Dr. Cassandra Jimenez is no small feat by any stretch of the imagination. It required 300 hours of post-doctorate courses and several rounds of testing. It just goes to show that extra bit of care and effort Dr. Jimenez gives for her patients and her students as a Life U Adjunct Professor. Today’s episode is a great primer for students interested in Functional Neurology or learning about a fascinating chiropractic speciality they may not have had as much exposure to.