
Conversations with Chiropractors on COVID-19

Today’s Conversations on Leadership (TCL), a thought-leadership vehicle of Life University, has released a conversation involving Heidi Haavik, D.C, Ph.D., Director of Research, Centre for Chiropractic Research at the New Zealand Chiropractic College; Dan Murphy, D.C., DABCO, a faculty member at Life Chiropractic College West; and James Chestnut, B.Ed., M.S., D.C., founder and president of The Wellness Practice, which outlines their thoughts on chiropractic care in the era of the COVID-19 health pandemic.

Β The conversation, moderated by Gerard W. Clum, D.C., Director of The Octagon at Life University, seeks to bring greater clarity to the expectations of the practicing chiropractor during this public health emergency from three internationally renowned chiropractors, with each offering their respective expertise in research and clinical practice to the conversation.

The text transcript for the full-length video with all interviews and commentary is available for download by clicking here.

Drs. Haavik, Murphy and Chestnut with Dr. Gerard Clum

Dr. James Chestnut with Dr. Gerard Clum

Dr. Dan Murphy with Dr. Gerard Clum